Kid Rock Allegedly Waves Gun Around & Says The ‘N-Word’ Multiple Times During Interview

Kid Rock

Kid Rock Allegedly Waves Gun Around & Says The ‘N-Word’ Multiple Times During Interview

Kid Rock is making headlines for his erratic behavior.

The 53-year-old conservative musician is reportedly being accused of waving a handgun at a Rolling Stone journalist. According to the magazine, the incident occurred during a recent interview about politics and the history of the Republican party with one of the outlet’s reporters, David Peisner. The publication also claimed that Kid Rock said the “n-word” in addition to other racial slurs while referring to certain groups of people.

Kid Rock

If you didn’t know, Kid Rock, born Robert Ritchie, has publicly used his influence to show his support for former US President Donald Trump since his first presidential run in 2016.

Donald Trump, Kid Rock

While the report indicated that Kid appeared “eager” to discuss politics, the interview seemingly took a turn for the worse after the “All Summer Long” artist reportedly drank three or four mixed alcoholic drinks. Allegedly, when asked about Donald Trump’s stance on migrants, Kid began yelling at Peisner. At that point, it’s said that he grabbed a firearm from behind a leather chair and shouted,

“I got a f***ing god*** gun right here if I need it … I got them everywhere!”

Kid Rock

Elsewhere in the interview, Kid noted that he believes the 2020 presidential election — where Joe Biden defeated Donald Trump — was stolen. He then went on to reportedly use the “n-word” multiple times as well as describe migrants as “murderers” and “rapists.”

Reportedly, At the end of their chat, Kid challenged the interviewer to “write the most horrific article” about him as it seems to help grow his career. He exclaimed,

“Do it. It helps me.”

Kid Rock

What are your thoughts on this entire situation? Share it in the comments below! 

[Sources: 1, 2]

Authored by: Ariel Whitely