Wayne Brady Wishes He Would’ve Come Out As Pansexual Sooner: ‘You Get A Level Of Freedom That You’re Happy With’

Wayne Brady Wishes He Would’ve Come Out As Pansexual Sooner: ‘You Get A Level Of Freedom That You’re Happy With’

Comedic actor Wayne Brady recently reflected on his decision to come out publicly as pansexual.

The entertainer shared that he wishes he would’ve taken that step sooner in life, as he’s found a new sense of freedom ever since.

Wayne Brady reportedly made the remark while being interviewed ahead of Live Out Loud’s 23rd annual Young Trailblazers Gala in New York City. The 51-year-old was recognized for supporting and advocating for the LGBTQ+ community and was given this year’s Pathfinder Award. Thinking about publicly embracing the community for the first time publicly back in August of last year, Wayne Brady stated:

“Knowing the work that’s being done here, and the fact that I can talk to the youth and try to encourage them to live out loud, it’s something that I wish that I would’ve done earlier…The fact that the organization can encourage them and make them feel safe — that’s something I wish that I would’ve done.”

After being asked how his life has been since making the announcement, Wayne Brady continued:

“It’s been a year. Folks expect your life to change in some radical way, and it doesn’t. It just changes that you get a level of freedom that you’re happy with…No one’s going to throw me a parade. It’s more about me being happy.”

As we previously, Brady revealed to the world via an exclusive interview last year that after much research and self-reflection, he concluded that his sexual preference most closely identifies with pansexual. In case you’re unfamiliar, the term is defined as “a sexual, romantic, or emotional attraction towards people of all genders, or regardless of their sex or gender identity.”

Brady went on the interview to share a bit about how people received his news, though he made clear it’s all about his happiness at the end of the day. He added:

“A lot of people loved it and applaud you, some people don’t care, and other people probably hate on it. So that’s just the human condition…But, at the end of the day, circling back around to the last year, I’m happy. So, no matter what any of them say, I’m great.”


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Authored by: Kay Johnson