Rich Paul & His Klutch Sports Agency Sued By Former Agent For Over $4.9 Million In Alleged Unpaid Contract Fees

Rich Paul

Rich Paul & His Klutch Sports Agency Sued By Former Agent For Over $4.9 Million In Alleged Unpaid Contract Fees

Celebrity sports agent Rich Paul is being accused of breach of contract.

Reports state that one of the Klutch Sports Group founder’s previous employees is suing for nearly $5 million, alleging he was never paid for certain deals he helped broker for the company.

Rich Paul

Veteran sports agent Mark Termini reportedly filed the suit on Tuesday (June 25th) at an Ohio courthouse. The sports professional says that despite helping the company grow into the success it’s become, he has not been paid his fair share over the years. Mark Termini alleges that Rich Paul and Klutch Sports owe him over $4.9 million in unpaid fees for deals he claims to have negotiated, specifically citing LeBron James2014 contract with the Cleveland Cavaliers and subsequent $154 million contract with the Los Angeles Lakers in 2018.

LeBron James

Mark Termini says he began overseeing NBA negotiations for Klutch in 2012 and signed on to “provide contract negotiation, business advisory and other administrative and support services” as an independent contractor. In exchange for his service, he was allegedly to receive 25% of the agency’s fees for negotiating any NBA or marketing contract, and was to be paid “upon the signing by the Client of the underlying playing or endorsement.”

However, Termini alleges Rich Paul’s company began short changing him and violating their contract after James established a certain credibility and experience in the industry. Termini specifically accuses Klutch of hiring third-party agents to provide services, despite their alleged exclusivity clause, as well as concealing certain contracts to avoid payment, and failing to accurately calculate fees on extensions and renewals. His lawyers reportedly write in the complaint:

“Termini conducted all details of the contractual monetary discussions with the NBA teams and instructed KSG and Paul in every aspect of the execution of the negotiations, including when to release information to the media, what to explain to Clients regarding negotiation strategies, and when to engage or not engage with a Team,” 

Mark Termini

Termini also claims to have negotiated deals for other NBA stars such as Draymond Green and Ben Simmons. The approximate amount he’s seeking in damages has not been reported at this time.

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Authored by: Kay Johnson