Diddy’s Former Law Firm Denies Reports That Lady Gaga Demanded They Drop Him As A Client To Keep Her

Diddy, Lady Gaga

Diddy’s Former Law Firm Denies Reports That Lady Gaga Demanded They Drop Him As A Client To Keep Her

A rep for the law firm who previously worked with Diddy recently addressed speculations about their decision to part ways.

The spokesperson claimed that their partnership with the hip-hop veteran ended months ago by their own choice, not because of pop star Lady Gaga as some reports have suggested.

Lady Gaga

Reportedly, the associate of Manhattan law firm Grubman, Shire, Meiselas & Sacks, stated on the matter:

“The decision to part ways with Mr. Combs was proactively made by the partners in the firm a number of months ago as they felt it was the right thing to do,”


They added:

“The report that the decision was the result of client pressure just isn’t true,”

A report from NewsNation published yesterday (Saturday, June 29th), claimed that a source familiar with the law firm alleged Diddy was dropped due to Lady Gaga making an ultimatum between the two. They reportedly stated:
“[Lady Gaga] said she was leaving [the firm] if they didn’t drop Diddy.”

Lady Gaga, Diddy

However, the rep went on to claim “that convo never happened,” and insisted that the split from SeanDiddy’ Combs, who was a client at the firm for at least 20 years, was the result of his string of sexual abuse allegations.

As we’ve been covering, the embattled hip-hop veteran has been hit with a number of sexual assault lawsuits following the bombshell allegations his ex-girlfriend Cassie ‘Cassandra’ Ventura made about him in her successful $30 million abuse complaint. Subsequent video footage depicting one attack Cassie referenced in the suit cast Diddy further into the negative limelight.

has remained mostly quiet about the suits, though his lawyers have maintained his innocence. He’s reportedly still actively facing at least 4 civil abuse complaints and a possible federal investigation at this time.
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Authored by: Kay Johnson