Offensive or Realistic? American Apparel’s Mannequin Sports Pubic Hair
Do you find this window display offensive?
This week, American Apparel had folk buzzing about one of it’s displays that featured mannequins with pubic hair. Dov Charney, the founder and CEO of American Apparel, is said to responsible for approving the display.
American Apparel’s Ryan Holiday released the following statement to Gothamist:
American Apparel is a company that celebrates natural beauty, and the Lower East Side Valentine’s Day window continues that celebration. We created it to invite passerby’s to explore the idea of what is “sexy” and consider their comfort with the natural female form. This is the same idea behind our advertisements which avoid many of the photoshopped and airbrushed standards of the fashion industry. So far we have received positive feedback from those that have commented and we’re looking forward to hearing more points of view.
Do you find this display offensive or realistic?
[Gothamist, Twitter]