Candace Owens Slams ‘When They See Us’: The Central Park 5 Were NOT Innocent!

Candace Owens Slams ‘When They See Us’: The Central Park 5 Were NOT Innocent!

Candace Owens accused the When They See Us project of “emotionally manipulating” the Black community. And she had no problem speaking on in publicly.

The four-part series, which premiered on Netflix on May 31, featured the story of a group of then teenagers known as the Central Park 5, Antron McCray, Kevin Richardson, Yusef Salaam, Raymond Santana Jr. and Korey Wise (formerly Kharey Wise). They were said to be coerced and intimidated into confessing to raping and brutally beating investment banker Trisha Meili. The incident, which became known as the jogger case, occurred in April 1989. Meili had been on a jog in Central Park, the same time a group of dozens of teenagers were allegedly committing crimes like assaulting bike riders. All five of them ended up spending a minimum of six years behind bars before the real perp confessed to the crime in 2002. The Central Park 5 were later exonerated and given a $41 million settlement.

Now, political activist and conservative commentator, Owens, has spoken about the Netflix project and questioned their true innocence. She responded to a man’s tweet that reads,

“After doing research, I agree with Trump about the Central Park 5. These guys were not innocent little kids, but young men who admitted to multiple crimes, implicated each other, and were identified by multiple independent witnesses as suspects. People don’t read. Shameful!”

Owens responded and said,

“This is exactly the problem. The media relies on black emotion. Few people read the details of the case. Now, blacks are once again being emotionally manipulated by Leftists. I agree with you wholeheartedly, Brandon. The Central Park 5 were NOT innocent. Periscope coming soon.”

She added,

“How foolish do you have to be to believe that the Central Park 5 case is suddenly being unearthed and glamorized because people care about justice? WAKE UP, BLACK AMERICA! Millions of dollars are being spent to emotionally manipulate us ahead of an election cycle— AGAIN.”

Ava Duvernay, who directed the project hasn’t responded to Owen’s comments.

What are your thoughts? Tell us in the comments!

Authored by: C.J.