Judge Joe Brown: Harriet Tubman On The $20 Bill Is Insulting To The Black Race -You’re Saying The Men Ain’t Worth A D*mn

Judge Joe Brown: Harriet Tubman On The $20 Bill Is Insulting To The Black Race … You’re Saying The Men Ain’t Worth A D*mn

Judge Joe Brown isn’t here for Harriet Tubman... or really women at all.

The former TV judge had no shame in sharing his thoughts on Harriet Tubman’s face possibly being on a $20 bill in the future.

During a recent interview, Judge Joe Brown first made it clear he’s not a fan of feministsts.

“I don’t give a d*** about feminists. They can go straight to hell. I know they hate themselves because they got two X chromosomes instead of an XY. They’re fraudulent, self-hating, and they’re sick.”

He then took issue with the Harriet film that was released on Nov. 1 about Harriet Tubman, and said it was all a ploy to push forward the efforts to get Tubman’s face on the $20 bill.

“These feminists are trying to do this movie so they can get a Black woman on the $20 bill. This movie is to soften the public up to the idea of picking a Black woman who freed slaves by leading them to freedom… by getting her or another one like her on the $20 bill. They can’t get a White woman, so they want a Black woman. They don’t care. They just want a woman and it downs masculinity.”

He then suggested Frederick Douglas be featured on the $20 bill.

As for whether he was a problem with a Black woman like Tubman being memorialized, whether it’s on a $20 bill or in another way, Judge Joe Brown said,

“I got a big problem if it’s on a bill before they put a Black man’s face on one. I got a big problem with that. It’s insulting to the Black race because you’re saying the men ain’t worth a d***, put a woman up there first… “

He added,

“Impose your sense of responsibility on motherhood and start raising some decent young men instead of these little monsters that you have running around the house where you don’t want to have the father involved with them. Start being real mothers and pay attention to it.”

He took his issue back to Tubman and said her position on a $20 bill wouldn’t be as insulting if a Black man had already been on the bill first.

“But if you put a Black woman first, that’s an insult to Black men. Harriet Tubman rescued maybe 200 people. It may be [more] but there were Black men who did something better than that too… They need to put them on a bill and show respect.”

“The thing of it is, they’re not gonna lynch Black women. They’ll rape them. But they’re not gonna lynch them.”

He later proudly proclaimed he’s a male chauvinist.

Hear all of his comments below.

He also defended his comments on Twitter.

Are you feeling Judge Joe Brown’s comments? Tell us in the comments!

Authored by: C.J.