Kate Moss’ Sister Lottie Moss Details Frightening Hospitalization After Ozempic Overdose

Kate Moss’ Sister Lottie Moss Details Frightening Hospitalization After Ozempic Overdose

Lottie Moss’ overdose on Ozempic turns into a cautionary tale for others considering the controversial weight-loss drug.

In a revealing episode of her podcast Dream On, 26-year-old Lottie Moss shared her harrowing experience with Ozempic, a medication primarily used for diabetes that has recently gained popularity for weight loss.

Lottie Moss

Lottie Moss admitted she began using Ozempic a few months ago after feeling dissatisfied with her body. She received the medication from a friend associated with a “below board” doctor and took it for two weeks.

She explained in the episode,

“It was the worst decision I ever made.”

She noted that she had been injecting nearly double the recommended dosage for her weight, which resulted in her becoming extremely ill:

“I couldn’t keep any water or food down … My face had no color in it.”

Her condition deteriorated to the point where her friend had to rush her to the emergency room.

She stated,

“As soon as I get into the room where I get seen by another nurse, I literally had a seizure from how dehydrated I was, which honestly was the scariest thing that’s ever happened to me in my life.”

Lottie Moss

Despite losing 15 pounds in less than two weeks, Lottie expressed deep regret for her decision to use Ozempic, saying,

“I would rather die any day than take it again. It made me feel so nauseous.”

Lottie voiced her frustration with the resurgence of weight-loss trends, drawing parallels to the ’90s era when her sister, Kate Moss, rose to fame:

“This ‘heroin chic’ trend is coming back… Where did the body positivity go?”

Lottie Moss’ story serves as a stark reminder of the potential dangers associated with using medications outside their intended purposes and the pressures to conform to societal beauty standards.

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Authored by: Aaron Keenan