Rocsi Diaz Responds to Shoplifting Story…Not that I’m above it, but Wet Seal?

Look, I’m guilty of it myself…I mean hell, this is what I do. And you wouldn’t believe the type of stories I get pitched by publicists, other media, baby momma’s, etc. but this one was kinda silly. Wednesday evening when I was tryna sleep (oh hell, maybe not), rumors started swirling that the host of BET’s 106 & Park, Rocsi Diaz, was busted for shop lifting. The screen grab below is the story that started the rumor.


Totally unimportant, but why would Brook Valentine be the manager at Wet Seal? I digress. Anyway, Rocsi was a good sport and took to twitter to joke along.

That was fun. BTW, I’m looking for a Wet Seal hook-up. Dead Ass.