A Goat Broke Halle Berry’s Foot

The reason behind Halle Berry‘s mysterious leg cast, wheelchair and crutches is finally revealed.  Initially, Warner Bros. Studio’s released a statement saying Halle broke her foot while “walking in Majorca on a day off from filming.” While that’s true, it’s not the whole story.

Halle has been in Majorca shooting for her film, ‘Cloud Atlas‘, that has since halted production due to the actress’ injury.  According to an anonymous yet credible source, Halle was at her villa in Majorca on September 21st and spotted her daughter, Nahla chasing a goat.

A split second later, the three of them were scrambling across a stretch of rocky countryside – Halle chasing Nahla and Nahla chasing the goat.  Halle finally caught up to her little girl, grabbed her and started trekking back up to her villa when she tripped over a rock and broke her foot.

So there you have it, Halle Berry broke her foot chasing her daughter and a goat.  What a story.
