Tawanna Iverson Says Allen Iverson Stopped Providing + She’s Broke With 5 KIDS

Tawanna Iverson, the estranged wife of NBA baller, Allen Iverson, seems to be having some technical (or financial) issues w/ her ex-husband. The two, who were high school sweet-hearts, have five children together and married in 2001. And according to Tawanna, Allen isn’t holding up his end of the financial deal.

According to Tawanna, after she filed for divorce in June, Allen stopped providing for her financially. Tawanna, who is a stay-at-home-mother, says he stopped making deposits into their account, has made large withdraws from the account (one w/draw for $20k, which she alleges was for Allen to purchase diamond jewelry) and because of this, she can not cover the bills. Allen’s camp denies the allegations. So far, no hearing date has been set. [TMZ]