Drake Hopes to Play Obama On the Big Screen, “I could play him.”

While at Sundance, actor-turned-rapper Drake (real name Aubrey Drake Graham) shared that if there was ever a biopic made about President Obama, he would LOVE to play him. He explained:

“I hope somebody makes a movie about Obama’s life soon because I could play him. That’s the goal…I watch all the addresses…Any time I see him on TV, I don’t change the channel. I definitely pay attention and listen to the inflections of his voice. If you ask anyone who knows me, I’m pretty good at impressions.”

P.S. Peep Drizzy’s acting AND rapping skills here, while he plays Jimmy in Degrassi.
[youtube width=”590″ height=”514″]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dAU1pAIU1nc[/youtube]