[Video] Madonna KILLS Her Super Bowl Performance

Superbowl Sunday, Madonna took center stage for her Super Bowl XLII half-time show performance. She started off her set with one of her classic songs, “Vogue” and went on to sing other favorites like, “Express Yourself”,” Like A Prayer” (featuring Cee Lo Green and his blinged out choir robe) and her new hit “Give Me All Your Luvin'” (featuring M.I.A. and Nicki Minaj).

I think I counted four costume changes…but I may have been off by one or so. Meanwhile, my friends and I have already began to debate….could this be one of the most memorable half-time shows w/in the past ten years or so? Janet Jackson’s nipple aside. Anywho, peep the video after the break.

[dailymotion width=”590″ height=”415″]http://www.dailymotion.com/video/xodmk9_21225214_lifestyle?start=2#from=embediframe[/dailymotion]
