Thug Life :: Dude Throws Hot Dog At Tiger Woods

A 31-year-old man, has been arrested for throwing a hot-dog at Tiger Woods. The incident happened while Woods was at CordeValle. Woods recounted the incident:

“Some guy just came running on the green, and he had a hot dog, and evidently … I don’t know how he tried to throw it, but I was kind of focusing on my putt when he started yelling….Next thing I know, he laid on the ground, and looked like he wanted to be arrested because he … put his hands behind his back and turned his head.”

Sgt. Jose Cardoza arrested the hot-dog-thrower for disturbing the peace and removed him from the property.

“He was very cooperative,” Cardoza said. “They said, ‘Why did you do this?’ He just shook his head in guilt or remorse. He didn’t give a reason why he did it.” Peep the full story here.