DMX Pulled Over for Being Too Cool For Seat Belt

In a rather rare situation, rapper DMX (real name Earl Simmons) was pulled over by the cops last week in Hollywood and did not end up behind bars. He was stopped for not wearing his seat belt with his assistant in the passenger seat, but was merely given a ticket and released. Since 1999, DMX has been in and out of jail numerous times for varying crimes, from animal cruelty, unlicensed driving, illegal drug and weapon possession to reckless driving, probation violation and identity falsification. But DMX claims that things will be different from now on. He tells TMZ,
“Just a minor ticket no biggie. A quick learning lesson about not wearing a seat belt. I will handle and pay for it…..This would be the only reason I come in contact with the police because I am a changed man.”
And in non-traffic news, X hopes to release his seventh album later in March and we also spotted him Sunday night, partying at Miami’s LIV. #Nice