Round 2: Twitter Beef…Soulja Boy VS Fab w/ SouljasCokeHabit

The twitter beef between Fabolous and Soulja Boy started yesterday. Technically, Fab started it by inadvertently goin in on Soulja with the whole stupid-boy-swag TTT. I’m thinking that it was a delayed reaction on Soulja’s part, as he out of nowhere started goin on Fab.

Soulja Boy tweeted, “lol fuck that lame ass washed up rapper named fabolous thats a gay ass rap name anyway…thats just how I feel. chicago stand up. fuck that nigga he lame and old I wish that fab would quit copying my swag damn he a nut rider i swear man…”

Last night, Fab went in on Soulja Boy with #SouljasCokeHabit as a twitter trending topic.

Peep what he said, “#ParisHiltonsCokeHabit ain’t got shit on #SouljasCokeHabit..#SouljasCokeHabit had him wearing a chain made outta rubberbands when he 1st came out. Now he upgraded to a bunch of #BrianPumperJewels…@SouljaBoy‘s biggest hits weren’t on his albums.. They were on his dresser in a hotel room wit Kat Stacks. Thank #SouljasCokeHabit#SouljasCokeHabit made him believe those gucci pillow cases he had on his bed on MTV CRIBS was REAL.. #FakeNiggasDoFakeThings

With that said, who’s winning the beef right now?