Cee-Lo Talks Parent’s Death, Goodie Mobb Reunion, Red M&M’s


CNN recently sat down with the 36-year-old (no, I don’t believe that age either) singer, Cee-Lo Green. They talk the Goodie Mobb reunion, a difficult childhood (his parents died when he was 2) and what it’s included in his rider (dude hearts red M&M’s). Peep a few excerpts below.

CNN: When are you going to do a rock record? “There’s always rock in what I’m doing. It may not always sound like it, but my attitude is always rock ‘n’ roll. It’s always take it, ask questions later. I could possibly do a formal rock record later on tonight, if I so pleased to do so.”

CNN: So let’s talk Goodie Mob reunion, Gnarls Barkley reunion. What’s on your plate? “Goodie Mob reunion and then Gnarls Barkley reunion. You said it, sister. And in that order. I’m very excited about Goodie Mob. Goodie Mob is my heart, it’s my home, and I am the prodigal son, if you will. I’ve returned home with many fish and a few loaves of bread that we will all eat. And Gnarls Barkley, of course, it’s an enigma, if you will. It’s a monster. It’s a noun. It’s a person, place and thing, you know what I’m saying? So when I’m emotionally able to go back in that hole in the wall, I’ll go back in there. And Danger Mouse will be waiting for me, afro intact.”

CNN: You had a really difficult childhood. Your dad died when you were 2, and your mom passed away when you were 18. How do you think that has played into what you do? “I am both of those people. They are alive and well inside of me. I’m acting out their will, and their way for me. Like their lives and death made me this way. Like if I had the power, or the opportunity, or the choice or the chance to change it, I wouldn’t, you know. But if someone had the power to allow any of that to happen, I would ask only one favor — to have them back to say, “Thank you.” And that would be closure for me, because I get it now.”

CNN: Do you think they’re aware of your success? “Definitely. My mother’s in this room.”

CNN: What’s on your rider? “We try not to be wasteful. I don’t have one of those ridiculous rock ‘n’ roll riders. I just want all red M&Ms. There’s usually some water, and there’s some vodka, which I like. And I like tequila. Patron to be exact.”

CNN: Are there certain foods you avoid before performing? “I don’t really eat a lot of dairy. A little cheese on a burger, you know. Cheese on a turkey club, that’s about it. I used to love Cap’n Crunch with Crunch Berries, and Apple Jacks and stuff. I drank a lot more milk when I was a kid, but not anymore.” Check the full interview here.