Rihanna Clarifies Following Chris on Twitter: “Its f*ckin twitter, calm down!”

That girl has a mouth on her, doesn’t she? When one of Rihanna’s twitter followers noticed that she was following her ex-boyfriend, Chris Brown (on Twitter) she asked Rihanna (on Twitter) about it. The girl, who’s twitter handle is @iStan4Rihanna_ tweeted Rihanna, “I never thought you would go back to him! You better not, its your life but you do have ppl that look up to you. e.g young girls.”

Rihanna sarcastically responded: “Its fuckin twitter, not the alter! calm down.” After offending the girl who asked, she clarified, “Babygirl I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to hurt or offend u! Just needed to make it clear to the Navy! I still Stan for u xoxo.” Source