It’s Official ::: Judgment Day Rescheduled for October 21 + Camping Explains the Mix-Up

California preacher and psychic Harold Camping effed up the churches money a few times, but this time he thinks that he has it all figured out. Camping predicted that Judgment Day was scheduled for May 21, in the form of an apocalypse. He predicted that 200 million Christians would go to heaven and the world would be destroyed. Obviously, that didn’t happen and Camping has realized that he was off by a couple months–five months to be exact. Camping has now announced that Judgment Day actually will come on Oct. 21. He’s now referring to May 21 as an “invisible judgment day.” He explained, “We’ve always said May 21 was the day, but we didn’t understand altogether the spiritual meaning. May 21 is the day that Christ came and put the world under judgment.” Makes perfect sense to me and his followers, I’m sure. Source