Potentially Racial ::: Does Dove Ad Suggest Soap May Wash the “Black” Away?

Compliments of Jezebel (can I name my first child, Jezebel), I’ve located this controversial ad ran by Dove. Folks are talking about Dove’s new ad potentially implying that black folk can wash hard enough to be reduced down to two shades (from black, to Latino to white, hence the line-up above). The ad reads, “Visibly more beautiful skin” blah, blah, blah… Jezebel and Gawker have added their own thoughts, which are, “Bye-bye black skin, hello white skin! (Scrub hard!)” I’m not sure if it’s the copy within the ad, the line-up or the ‘Before’ and ‘After’ that makes it get a ‘side-eye’ from readers. What do YOU think? Are people now uber sensitive when it comes to race and racism? Is the ad harmless? Should Dove pull the ad?