Introducing….A Natural Energy Drink Called P*ssy

Move over Fever or Red Bull….compliments of the UK, we have been introduced to a new natural energy drink called, “P*ssy.” According to the web site,

Pussy is a 100% natural drink. No nasty chemicals and nothing manufactured. It is made for people looking for a natural alternative. The name Pussy shocks and demands attention – that’s the point. Inhibition is a recipe for mediocrity. This is a premium energy drink named with confidence.

So exactly how did the creation of such a natural energy drink get started?

Pussy is Jonnie Shearer’s vision. He set up from his bedroom at 21 and launched in June 2004. Having designed the can and mixed the drink, the first cans rolled off the production line and landed in the London nightclub scene. We’re now a team of 10 and growing steadily. Pussy is the first truly premium energy drink. We have sourced the best ingredients to create a great taste and a natural lift. We believe in challenging the consensus – and moving things forward. Pussy is about natural energy, it’s irreverent, sophisticated and a pleasure to drink. Pussy is NOT about being serious, chemical energy, having a corporate attitude or being predictable.

The name is definitely catchy…my question to you is–would you ever try this natural energy drink?

Via Jezebel