Ashton Uses Twitter to Deny Cheating on Demi

The media has been in a frenzy this past week over reports that Ashton Kutcher has been cheating on his wife of six years Demi Moore. On September 24, their six year anniversary, the two were reportedly on different sides of the country, with the 33-year-old Ashton at Hard Rock Hotel in San Diego and Demi back in New York. According to, he spent the night with 23-year-old blonde Sarah Leal.

A friend of Leal’s wrote an email to the website, saying

“I’m sick to my stomach over what happened last Friday night. Like most people on earth, I worshiped Ashton Kutcher and Demi Moore until Ashton Kutcher fucked my friend Sarah Leal.”

The site also notes that Sarah is willing to tell her side of the story for a $250,000 fee and according to a pal, she is planning to meet with a lawyer. Sheesh! This is not the first time the Two And A Half Men actor has been accused of infidelity against 48-year-old Demi.

Last year Star magazine released reports that Ashton had been cheating on his wife. 21-year-old woman Brittany Jones claimed that she had sex with him, in his home on their couch with texts to prove it. Ashton slammed that allegation with a statement,

“I think STAR magazine calling me a ‘cheater’ qualifies as defamation of character. I hope my lawyer agrees.”

He also tweeted that,

“STAR magazine – you don’t get to stand behind ‘freedom of the press’ when you are writing fiction.”

The two have been mute on these recent allegations, but their tweets provide possible hints.  Yesterday, Ashton tweeted

“When you ASSUME to know that which you know nothing of you make an ASS out of U and ME.”

Days before that Demi who’s twitter name is still notably “Mrskutcher” tweeted a line from Greek philosopher Epictetus,

“When we are offended at any man’s fault turn to yourself and study your own failings. Then you will forget your anger.” And on Monday, she tweeted a picture of herself with the tagline “I see through you.”

Huh? I guess we won’t know for sure till someone releases or tweets an official statement on the situation. The two have been living apart for a while, with Ashton in LA filming Two And A Half Men and Demi in New York working on her upcoming film “Magic Mike.” Let’s keep our fingers crossed!