Wendy Williams, “I’m 47 and had 3 Miscarriages.”

Talk show host, Wendy Williams is gearing up for her third season of The Wendy Williams Show and recently gave a candid interview and opened up about issues surrounding her challenges with fertility. Williams, who has a 11-year-old son named Kevin, explained:

“My mind is on adoption. I think I missed the boat on that…I’m 47 and I’ve had 3 miscarriages. One was at 7 weeks and the other two were at 5 months. It was just a nightmare and it happened 3 ½ years in proximity. I met my man and we got married after the first miscarriage…we decided we were going to try this again. We got right into the baby making thing and I gained 103 pounds and I was on bed rest. My mind is on adoption and even that has a 3 year window. I really do want a girl, but I am so blessed with the family we created.”

via Celebrity Baby Scoop