Omar Suggests That Ex-Fiance Vivica Fox Is Lying About Their Break-Up

Vivica Fox and her one time fiance, Omar “Slimm” White, recently, have been discussing their break-up with the public. Fox claims she ended the relationship, but White’s version of what went down, differs. He explains,

“Over time you can only imagine that things add up. One day you might say, ‘Nah, I can just go my own direction.’ And that’s what happened.”

He still regards Fox as a “good woman” but says that sometimes you “outgrow people”.  White also added,

“The ego is one of the biggest destroyers. It’ll destroy any relationship and we had two strong people.”

Interestingly, White had no idea that he and Fox were the subjects of the cover of Sister 2 Sister Magazine’s December 2011 issue. That’s mainly due to the fact that he had no clue Fox had even chatted with the magazine about their relationship and the wedding they were planning.  White admitted,

“Honestly, I hadn’t spoken to her in about two months, I’m assuming that when she got the word that the interview would happen, she probably was banking on us getting back together.”

Clearly that didn’t happen and to add fuel to the fire, Fox offended White when she said in an interview she wants “something different” next time when it comes to love because “I happened to fall in love with a six pack and a smile and look what that’s gotten me.”

Pissed off, White is now willing to put it all out there and say what really happened.

“I totally understand that a person would rather save face and avoid admitting their fiancé ended the relationship. So I understood why Vivica didn’t admit the reality of what really took place. She would have come out better if she stated we went our separate ways if she wanted to avoid the ‘true’ nature of the breakup. The main thing is don’t lie… she and I know what happened so just be cordial and keep it moving.”

Ouch, on behalf of both parties.

