the Jasmine BRAND Wishes You A Merry Christmas, Happy Chanukah & ¡Feliz Navidad!

Hey friends, I usually get mushy with you’ll on holidays, so I’ll try not to. But on behalf of the Jasmine BRAND team and myself, we’d like to wish you a beautiful holiday. I hope your day is filled with family, friends and love….and hell, if you’re into material things (gadgets, red-bottoms, etc.), I hope it’s filled with that too. And not to be “fake deep”, but please take some time out to enjoy your loved ones (your mama, crazy uncle Rufus, baby-daddy, etc). If I could, I’d give you all a gift on this day, but ya girl ain’t ballin… so I’ve decided to work for you on this day and entertain you :) So check back in the middle of gift-opening, sports and all that good sh*t.

Thank you with all of my heart and Merry Christmas,


P.S. If you’re a spiritual person, take a moment to honor God, Baby Jesus or whomever you believe in. And pray for me too, boo!