[Updated] NY Post Writer Explains Why He Called Jay-Z’s Brooklyn Team ‘New York N*ggas’

A writer by the name of Phil Mushnick, who writes for the New York Post, made some controversial remarks about Jay-Z’s ownership with the Brooklyn Nets.

In a Friday column, he slammed Jay’s style choice for the team’s uniform. He wrote:

As long as the Nets are allowing Jay-Z to call their marketing shots — what a shock that he chose black and white as the new team colors to stress, as the Nets explained, their new “urban” home — why not have him apply the full Jay-Z treatment?Why the Brooklyn Nets when they can be the New York N——s? The cheerleaders could be the Brooklyn B—-hes or Hoes. Team logo? A 9 mm with hollow-tip shell casings strewn beneath. Wanna be Jay-Z hip? Then go all the way!

Read Mushnick’s entire column and chime in on whether people are being overly sensitive with his sarcasm, or if he’s gone too far in his choice of words. [HuffPost]

**Updated** Compliments of Global Grind, we’ve learned that Phil Mushnick has responded to all the heat that he’s gotten over Friday’s column.

In an email sent to BobsBlitz.com, Mushnick writes:

“I don’t call black men the N-word; I don’t regard young women as b—-es and whores; I don’t glorify the use of assault weapons and drugs. Jay-Z, on the other hand…..Is he the only NBA owner allowed to call black men N—ers? Wanna be Jay-Z hip? Then go all the way!”

Does this lesson the blow of those outraged by what he wrote?