Kelly Rowland’s Ex Boyfriend, Roy Williams, Denies He Was Abusive: ‘It Wasn’t Me’

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Earlier today, Kelly Rowland released a ear-catching song called, ‘Dirty Laundry‘. On the track, Kelly shares raw memories of an ex-boyfriend who was abusive to her. She sings:

I was battered, he hit in a window like it was me until it shattered///He pulled me out, he said, ‘Don’t nobody love you but me, not your mama, not your daddy, and especially not B.’

After the track was released, a few folk began to speculate about exactly who was this former boyfriend. Back in  2005, Kelly was engaged to NFLer Roy Williams, but just two months before the wedding, it was called off.

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When asked about why she called off the engagement, she told Britain’s Daily: 

I wanted that wedding. I wanted to be married. You can just make wrong decisions in life. That was all part of growing up. I just think it’s important to trust your gut. I did a lot of soul-searching afterwards, and I want to be married, so dating is part of that process.

And while that’s a vintage relationship, some inquiring minds were wondering if Kelly was hinting at Roy, in ‘Dirty Laundry’. After hearing the song, Roy took to twitter denying that he is the man being referenced in the song. He wrote:

So Kelly has a new song. Called #DirtyLaundry.. & what ever she’s saying in it ppl thinks it’s me. #wow #imnottheonlypersonshedated #wasntme

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Kelly is yet to respond or expand on the lyrics of the song. Click here to listen.