Kordell Stewart Gives First Interview: Addresses Gay Rumors, Calls Estranged Wife Disrespectful + Whether He’ll Slap Porsha Stewart With A Lawsuit

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Kordell Stewart is finally breaking his silence. On the heels of the season six premiere of Real Housewives of Atlanta, Porsha’s estranged husband is speaking out about his relationship. In an interview with radio personality Ryan Cameron, Kordell spoke very candidly about how his marriage to Porsha began to fall apart, her being disrespectful, gay rumors and possibly suing Porsha. Peep the excerpts below.

On his son, Sire:

 ‘Sire, yep he’s a big boy… man he’s resilient. And I can’t say enough about his personality and how he’s been able to cling on to things that help him grow as a young man. I don’t know where he gets it.

On what his son has said about his public divorce from Porsha Stewart:

 I don’t know because he never tells me about it. But my son does have access to going on computers. Nowadays, you know when we were growing up Ryan we didn’t have computers in the classroom. To get a computer you had to have some money. Nowadays these kids are given their own computers…they’re capable of bringing their Ipad’s in the classroom and taking down notes. So every once in a while if he goggled daddy’s name and so I see my son going through this stuff… so when I see that I say to myself, ‘Okay, he’s being intuitive. He wants to be in the know because its coming from somewhere.’ Whether it be daddy being slashed to playing football to whatever, if he’s just going to find that you’re gonna see all the other stuff that goes along with it. Everyone once in a while… he says it in subtle ways and I never can catch it. But then when he asks ‘You doing okay with everything dad? I just want you to be happy! I promise you when he says that kind of stuff I say, ‘Yeah, Daddy’s good. Lets go in the back yard and play a little football, I’ll show you how good daddy is!’ So you know I go back there and tackle him and we play or whatever. But see for me it’s all about keeping my son’s mind in the right place. Through all this foolishness, that’s going on.

On how the marriage to Porshea began falling apart:

Now when it comes to the Twitter thing—my wife had said to me many times after coming home two in the morning, three in the morning, maybe four in the morning because she’s tryna hustle like the ‘Nene’s’ of the world, and everybody wants to be Nene. So, my thing is… after a couple times of it happening and me not knowing because I’m at work (you know how I work 2-6) so through all that I’ll get home or whatever and my son would say,’ When’s mommy coming home?’ or ‘Did she make it home yet?’ I’d say, ‘Oh, she’ll be home in a little bit…she’s out doing her thing (talking about Porshea.)’ And so we’d wake up the next morning and my son would ask me ‘Did mommy make it home?’ I’d say, ‘Yeah, she’s sleeping.’ So when my son asks me this these few times I have to figure out… ‘How do I make him understand what’s going on?’ He doesn’t deserve to have to deal with that, when there are two parents in the home…

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On Porsha being disrespectful:

So when you have all that in place and I ask the question: ‘Babe what’s the deal… Why you coming home (so late) what’s going on?’ And get the response: ‘What do you mean? I’m grown. I do what I want to do…’ That’s a quote from Porshea—from my wife.” When it happened I’m kind of messed up a little bit because I ain’t never had this gangsta talk to me, from my woman before…from the standpoint of  you doing your thing but its supposed to be about the household…..And when I was done playing the game I said I wanted to make sure that when I was done, the money that I made I wanted to inject that in my family-to-be. I had a son already…Sire’s been here. Porsha came on the scene—she married into the Stewart family. I didn’t marry into the Williams family—that’s her people. She married into the Stewart family. So when I went out of my way to make sure that we were situated… we were good, as if I was still playing the game because I was capable of purchasing cash, my house for my family.

When you come out of your mouth showing that type of disrespect…you don’t know how much that burned me up inside. To know that I’ve always been about team concepts all my life—whether it be my family, whether it be my teammates from the age of seven, all the way until I was what. 34/35 years old playing in The National Football League. I’m all about everybody pulling their weight—everybody doing their part. And the person that actually may suffer if no one pulls their weight is the child. So when my wife tells me that she’s doing what she wants to do, because she’s out doing what she’s doing… for whatever reason she’s choosing to do it. When I allow Bravo in the house I went against the grain of who I am, and what I represent.  I’m private, and I had to compromise everything about my manhood from the standpoint of…okay, I’m gonna let these people in, let my wife do what she do and that’s it.

Kordell on the drama with Porsha:

It was going on before all that [the show].

On the rumor that he was arrested for lewd acts:

Those rumors that I got arrested for lewd acts in the park. One, I never got arrested. I don’t have a record in Pittsburgh. It went from one park to another park. I never got arrested in that state or in that city…. I wasn’t going to allow me to not one, make my money… keep my job let alone indulge into a rumor that was not true about me.”

On his discussion with Porsha of allegations of his sexuality:

She never asked me.When I was dating my wife, I would say maybe two to three weeks into our relationship, we was staying over at her condo. I said I want to talk to you about something real quick if you don’t mind. I said you know,’we having fun and we like each other and we’re about to move forward in this relationship. And I’m like, I just want you know there were rumors about me way back in the day.’ [I brought it up] Because I wanted her to know so she doesn’t get caught off guard with the foolishness and people start seeing us getting serious or whatever…She said my brother kinda mentioned some stuff. Cause her brother thought I was married…..So when she responded to me, she was like, ‘alright no big deal.I know a lot of guys who are gay.’ I said no, that don’t have nothing to do with me. I’m telling you about a rumor,that was out,that’s floating around about me before you get caught up into this relationship and find this out from the backside,or sideswiped or whatever. 
On if he will sue Porsha [for slander]:

Authored by: tjbwriteratlanta