Barack Obama Talks Climate Changes With ‘Rolling Stone’
Our 44th President of the United States of America, Barack Obama, has made his way back into pop culture news once again. This time the president has traveled to Alaska to a small village 30 miles from the Arctic Circle, to speak on the climate change disaster that is currently plaguing this area. While there the President did an interview with Rolling Stone to discuss his thoughts on climate change. Check out below some excerpts.
On the progress he has made in the past seven years:
Well, I’ll leave it to others to give a report card on myself. I’ll say that, collectively, we have made modest progress, but nowhere near what we need to do.
On how he compares climate changes to national security, such as ISIS, or even IRAN:
Well, they’re different. And as president and commander in chief, I don’t have the luxury of selecting one issue versus the other. They’re all major problems. What we know about climate change, though, is that with increasing drought, increasing floods, increasing erosion of coastlines, that’s going to impact agriculture; it’s going to increase scarcity in parts of the world; it is going to result in displacement of large numbers of people.