65-Year-Old Floyd Mayweather Sr. Has A 1-Year-Old Daughter

65-Year-Old Floyd Mayweather Sr. Has A 1-Year-Old Daughter

There’s a new Mayweather in the family. The DNA results are in and 65-year-old Floyd Mayweather Sr. is the father.

Earlier this year a woman named Purisa Farris filed for child support, accusing the boxing trainer of being the father of her now one-year-old daughter. In April, Floyd Sr. took a paternity test and the results showed that there was a 99.99% probability of paternity.

Floyd Mayweather Jr.

This makes at least six children for Floyd Sr. She’s joined by her siblings boxing champ Floyd Mayweather Jr.Justin Mayweather Jones, Fannie Orr, Deltricia Tawanna Howard and Fatimah Mayweather.

By: Eleven8

Authored by: Eleven8