Stevie J Owes Georgia $110,000 In Taxes Liens!

Stevie J
Stevie J Owes The State Of Georgia $110,000 In Taxes Liens
The honeymoon may be over for Love and Hip Hop Atlanta alum Stevie J. According to the state of Georgia, he owes $110,000 in taxes.
The first federal lien placed on Stevie J shows that the producer owed the state $8,728 in 2012, however with interest and penalties, that amount jumped to $17,346.08 in six years. A second lien shows that in 2013 and 2014, Stevie owed a combined a $52,222 in taxes. The interest and other fees come to a total of around $40,000.
Stevie J only has two options to get out of debt. He can either pay the money he owes or sell off his property in Georgia. The state will then apply the money from the items that were sold towards his debt until it is paid off.
On a more positive note, Stevie recently married singer Faith Evans.
The pair eloped in Las Vegas and have since released a new music video together. Click here to see the video.