R. Kelly Begs Judge To Let Him Out Of Solitary Confinement Before Trial, Can Only Shower Three Times A Week

R. Kelly
R. Kelly Begs Judge To Let Him Out Of Solitary Confinement Before Trial, Can Only Shower Three Times A Week
R. Kelly doesn’t want to be trapped in solitary confinement while he waits for trial on child pornography and sex abuse charges. The singer is currently in solitary confinement in Chicago’s Metropolitan Detention Center.
But Kelly wants out stat. According to reports, his lawyer filed a motion and said Kelly’s not getting any
“meaningful interaction with humans.”
He also has very limited access to email and can only take a shower three times a week. He doesn’t take in any fresh air and can’t go to the day room where other inmates watch TV.
Interestingly enough, he was initially put in solitary confinement for his protection. When he first asked if he could be removed from solitary confinement, the Bureau of Prisons denied that request thanks to his
“alleged offense and notoriety.”

R.Kelly Mugshot
That’s when he was moved “to the most restrictive floor.” His lawyer continued in the motion and said,
“In essence, even though he has not violated a single BOP rule, Mr. Kelly is being unconstitutionally punished and segregated from the rest of the prison population.”
This comes after his lawyer Steve Greenberg said Kelly is having a tough time behind bars when he was jailed in New York earlier this month.
“I’ve seen him get very emotional. He’s dealing with a lot of stories that have been made up. He’s not a fighter. I’ve seen him cry when he talks about the situation. [He] has a stage persona who is used to having people around him all the time. His life in solitary is now minus TV. No radio. No music. And no books. He’s also a spiritual guy, has a Bible with him in his cell, but he can’t read it. It’s basically there for comfort. Now he’s been placed in the MCC’s ‘SHU’ — a cell in solitary confinement away from the jail population and is constantly being moved from cell to cell. He has only the guards to talk to.”
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Source: Page Six