Cyntoia Brown-Long’s Husband Responds To His Ex Pamela Long’s Claims That He’s A Manipulator: You Discredit What My Wife Is Trying To Do!

Jamie Long, Cyntoia Brown-Long, Pamela Long

Cyntoia Brown-Long’s Husband Responds To His Ex Pamela Long’s Claims That He’s A Manipulator: You Discredit What My Wife Is Trying To Do!

Cyntoia Brown-Long and her husband Jamie Long are shutting down singer Pamela Long of girl group Total’s claims.

Pamela, who was previously married to Jamie Long, criticized him during an interview after it was revealed that Jamie married Cyntoia Brown when she was in jail. Brown has been making headlines after she served 15 years of a life sentence for shooting and killing a man who sex-trafficked her. Once she was granted clemency and an early release, it was revealed that she had married Jamie while she was behind bars. And one person who had something to say about it was Pamela. She told the Neighborhood Talk:

“This man is diabolical and he is such a manipulator. The way this man pursued this woman is the way he did me.He came and found me using the same card, ‘He was a Christian artist.’ May the Lord God protect her and her money. It’s about who she is in the public eye and what she has. By her having this face in the media it helps him to have a chance to be around what he deems as the elites. Mr. Long may be able to hide behind his handsome looks of being a good man, but God knows the heart and exposure is coming.”

Jamie Long has responded, telling The Breakfast Club:

“I think it was very selfish. I don’t know if she’s trying to reinvent her career, I don’t know what she’s trying to do. I think it was very selfish of her to do that. We’re serious about what we’re doing, we’re serious about the message. You know I’ve been divorced from Pam almost four, five years man. I didn’t even see her that much when we were married.”

Brown chimed in and said she believes they divorced in 2014, three years before she met Jamie. She explained how Pamela ‘warned’ her about Jamie on social media.

Jamie added,

“I just feel like it was selfish of her to come out and do something like that, because you discredit what my wife is trying to do, trying to attach your name to something like this.”

As for Pamela’s claims that he was attached to Brown for attention and publicity, Jamie said,

“What do I have for sale? I no longer participate in the music industry. That’s not my thing. I gave that up. I tend to my home, I tend to my wife, I tend to my business. We are very financially stable. I’ve heard something about… because my wife has a book deal… with our without a book deal my wife is gonna be straight, cause we straight.”

Brown said,

“And I been straight. I don’t know why people think the minute your name is all over the place, all of a sudden you’re rich. He’s been taking care of me. Everybody just assumes they know things and they don’t.”

She also denied Pamela’s claims that he’s using her because when they first met and got married, Brown was still and jail and they had no idea that Brown would actually be released.

Jamie also said in the interview,

“I was married before. And I married the wrong woman. I had the right intentions but I married the wrong woman, and I wasn’t doing that no more. Sometimes the counterfeit comes before the real thing. And we fall for the counterfeit sometimes. This time I know I got it right. This is my best friend.”

See it starting at the 33:17 mark.

What do you think of their response? Tell us in the comments.

Authored by: C.J.