Idris Elba Unplugs From Social Media & News Alerts Because ‘It Makes Me Feel Depressed’

Idris Elba Unplugs From Social Media And News Alerts Because ‘It Makes Me Feel Depressed’

With everything that’s going on in the world, it’s no wonder even celebrities like Idris Elba have to unplug from it all. While many try to keep up with their favorite stars, Idris Elba dished on why he’s not as active on social media like he once was.

The No Good Deed actor opened up about not being so in tune with the digital world as an effort to keep his mental health intact.

He said of social media,

“I’ve been trying to wean myself off. I used to post a lot more, but it’s been putting me off lately. And Twitter’s just not how I want to receive my news. I read the news aggregated on my iPad, but I can’t check it constantly—I’m not proud of it, but it’s true—because it makes me feel depressed.”

Interestingly enough, he’s not completely out of the loop. He added that the first thing he does in the morning is,

“I pick up my phone and check my messages. Then I’ll get up, sit on the edge of the bed for a little bit, take the day in, and take a shower.”

He said his free time is spent sitting in the dark and just decompressing.

In case you’re wondering, while he’s a DJ by night, he said he gets his best sleep when he’s in the bed by 9 or 10.

Still, it’s safe to say he’s still working and making his way onto the big and small screens. He’s set to star in the highly anticipated Cats film, and recently took to social media to promote his comedy “In The Long Run” on Starz.

Can you relate to Idris Elba’s thoughts on social media? Tell us in the comments.

Authored by: C.J.