Idris Elba: Stop Saying Black People Can’t Get The Coronavirus!

Idris Elba Admits Having A Midlife Crisis: I just felt out of touch w/ reality.

Idris Elba

Idris Elba: Stop Saying Black People Can’t Get The Coronavirus!

Idris Elba is trying to make the best of his time while he’s quarantined. The actor and DJ was diagnosed with the coronavirus earlier this week.

He went live to update his fans and first had a message about theories that black people can’t get the virus.

“Please stop sending the conspiracy theory nonsense about black people not being able to get coronavirus or COVID-19. It’s dumb, it’s silly, it’s very dangerous… Now is not the time. If you’re sending that stuff out or manifesting it, it’s not the time. People need to know facts, they need to know the truth so they can protect themselves.”

He confirmed he was tested after someone he interacted with tested positive for the virus. While he didn’t say who it was, he said it was also someone famous. Reports have suggested it was Sophie Trudeau, the wife of Canadian Prime Minister Justine Trudeau. She tested positive for coronavirus just days ahead of Idris Elba’s announcement.

He also said he was in contact with the said person on March 4, which is the day he and Sophie Trudeau both attended the Webley Arena We Day. See a photo here.

He went on to speak on how his wife, Sabrina Dhowre, is doing.

Idris Elba, Sabrina Dhowre

She was spotted in the video with him when he announced that he tested positive for the coronavirus, causing many to criticize her for being so close to him. Idris Elba explained,

“She woke up this morning a little bit sad, as I did. She feels okay. Yesterday was a lot for us. My wife isn’t used to being in the public eye like I am. And yesterday we were like the biggest story in the world. So today she… wanted to step back a little bit. It was weird because people were criticizing her for being next to me and that was bananas. They took a little bit of a mental strain on both of us. We didn’t expect that, but, fair dues.”

He added that they were able to get her a test, and her results will be coming back within the next couple of days. He reiterated that he didn’t have any symptoms, and said he’s doing just fine, other than a runny nose. He also said he’s not taking medication because as of now, there’s none to take for the virus.

“Yes, of course I’m worried. I’m worried about having the virus. I’m worried about having asthma and how they can make things really complicated for me very quickly. I’m really worried about what’s going in the world, I’m really worried about how we’re dealing with it.”

He said speaking out has helped his worry, and that he’s “proud” of Tom Hanks for being open about his and his wife Rita Wilson’s experience with the coronavirus.

“I’m making music. I write a lot of songs. I’m learning how to play the guitar…we’ve been playing video games, we’ve been talking, playing chess, I’ve been cooking, generally trying to keep the spirits up. It’s amazing bonding time for Sab and I at the moment cause I’m always working, never home, and she’s traveling. It’s been interesting kind of hanging out all day, but we’re killing the time.”

We hope Idris Elba gets well soon!


Authored by: C.J.