Wendy Williams Calls Out Ray J: You Haven’t Been The Best Husband + Ray J Says He’s Quarantined In A Hotel

Wendy Williams, Ray J

Wendy Williams Calls Out Ray J: You Haven’t Been The Best Husband + Ray J Says He’s Quarantined In A Hotel

Wendy Williams had a few words for singer turned reality star Ray J. He appeared on “The Wendy Williams Show” as the daytime talk show host broadcasted from her home. It wasn’t long before Ray J revealed he was quarantined in a hotel.

“I got stuck at the studio so I made two albums there while I was stuck. And then I go home and chill with the kids for about 2 weeks but then I had to come out the house again but when I go out my wife doesn’t let me come right back so I have to do another quarantine session so I’m in the hotel quarantining to go back to see the kids.”

Princess Love, Ray J and daughter Melody

Wendy Williams then asks,

“How is long suffering Princess Love?”

Ray J responds,

“She’s doing well. She is the best mother in the world. Holding the kids down, having two kinds under 2 is definitely a job within itself.”

Wendy then dishes Ray J some shade saying,

“You haven’t been the best husband Ray J.”

Ray says,

“You know, God is good. We’ll all get better. I can do better. I could definitely do better and I will do better. And I’m working towards making sure that the kids know that we love each other and love them more than anything.”

Wendy replies,

“Yeah you can convince the kids but us as adults who watch you, I mean you discussed your problems on TV and Ray J I don’t even like that I love you. Ray J what is your problem?”

Ray replies,

“We did the conversation on the Zeus network because we already are on TV and we felt like us being our own therapists could work. We tried it we just gave it a shot since we already on blast everybody creating their own stories about what they see we tries to give it a shot. Did it help, I don’t know. But I appreciate Lenny and them for trying.”

Ray J, Princess Love

Wendy gives her own take on the relationship saying,

“It didn’t help because it shows that she’s a good mom and she’s tried to be there for you, she’s put up with more than she needs to. And it shows that you’re the type of man who will never be faithful.”

Ray J responds to Wendy’s take,

“You know when you working hard sometimes you go through the ups and downs, but as far as being faithful I never really had a problem with that. I had a problem with us being on the same page and understanding how to learn each other and to compromise. That’s pretty much what it was and what it is.”

Ray J, Princess Love circa 2014

Wendy responds,

“It more like seems like your way or no way.”

Ray interjects saying,

“No its her way or no way and I’m with that. I’m sitting at the hotel waiting for the approval to go back to the house. It’s what she wants to do and I’m gonna ride with her. We got a lot of growing to do.”

The couple went through a tumultuous period just before the birth of their second child, son Epik, as Princess Love accused Ray J of leaving her and their daughter Melody Love stranded in Las Vegas.
What do you guys think about Ray J’s latest update on his marriage and Wendy Williams’s take on his relationship? Tell us your thoughts in the comments below.
Authored by: Chelsea Adjalla