Britney Spears Fans Start #FreeBritney, As Singer’s Conservatorship Hearing Is Coming Up Soon

Britney Spears

Britney Spears Fans Start #FreeBritney, As Singer’s Conservatorship Hearing Is Coming Up Soon

Singer Britney Spears has been trending on social media, after the hashtag #FreeBritney has gone viral due to her fans expressing concerns about the 12 year conservatorship she’s been under taking a toll on her. Britney Spears has been under the conservatorship, also known as legal guardianship, since 2008.

The legal guardianship was enacted in 2008 after Britney Spears had gone through some very public mental health struggles and infamously shaved her head and smashed a photographer’s car with an umbrella. This arrangement put her estate, financial assets, and personal assets under the control of her father Jamie Spears and a lawyer. The agreement was extended to August 22 earlier this year.

The conservatorship has always been very controversial amongst her fans, as they believe the agreement is being used to manipulate and control the pop icon and her $59 million net worth.

These concerns have fueled the #FreeBritney movement, but over the years, those closest to the 38 year old have denied those claims and say that she is very involved in her business decisions.

Britney’s father Jamie Spears has recently denied the claims of manipulation, deeming them “a joke”. On July 29, Jamie did an interview with the NY Post where he stated,

“All these conspiracy theorists don’t know anything. The world don’t have a clue. It’s up to the court of California to decide what’s best for my daughter. It’s no one else’s business. I have to report every nickel and dime spent to the court every year, how the hell would I steal something? People are being stalked and targeted with death threats, it’s horrible. We don’t want those kinds of fans. I love my daughter, I love all my kids. But this is our business. It’s private.”

Britney and Jamie Spears

What are your thoughts on the #FreeBritney movement? Tell us your thoughts in the comments below.

Authored by: Chelsea Adjalla