Sunny Hostin Reveals Both Of Her In-Laws Died From COVID Within 3 Days Of Each Other

Sunny Hostin Reveals Both Of Her In-Laws Died From COVID Within 3 Days Of Each Other

Extremely sad news from The View co-host Sunny Hostin as she revealed both of her in-laws died of COVID-19 during the holidays.

On Friday, Jan. 8th, she spoke on her husband, surgeon Emmanuel Hostin’s, decision to publicize the tragedies.

“Although I’ve chosen a very public career, as most of you know, those of you that know my husband, Manny, know that he is intensely private. But after speaking with him, he felt that from a public health standpoint that it was very important for me to share that we are deeply saddened that Manny lost both of his parents over the holidays.”

She continued and said his father, Dr. A. Emmanuel, 83, died on Dec. 28th and his mother, Dr. Maria Jesus, 78, passed on New Year’s Day.

“They were both physicians and they were both very careful. They didn’t celebrate Thanksgiving with us because we all decided that it wasn’t safe. After a lot of contact tracing, we still don’t know how they contracted this virus and this disease.”


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She went on to thank the physicians who treated them for allowing the family to FaceTime while they were in the hospital. She also showed gratitude to her The View co-hosts:

“Whoopi (Goldberg), for sending so much food for several weeks. Ana (Navarro) for calling us and giving us all of the information that you gained when Al was battling this virus. Meghan (McCain) for distracting me with all of the pop culture news and sending us bourbon. Manny says the best condolence gift he’s gotten so far. Joy (Behar) for your calls with your humor. You guys really wrapped your love around us and we’re so very thankful.”

She added:

“COVID is devastating and while my kids and Manny’s siblings, Helen and Carlos, we are in deep grief, we want everybody to know that you may think you’re healthy and that you won’t be impacted, but you could be an asymptomatic carrier, you could put someone you love at risk. So please, I beg of you, social distance, wear your mask, wash your hands. And if you get the opportunity to take this vaccine, take it.”

She said she has plans on taking the vaccine and that her husband has received his first dose.

Sending prayers to Sunny Hostin’s family and loved ones!

Authored by: C.J.