Russell Wilson’s Foundation Director Speaks Out Against ‘Disheartening’ Report Claiming His Charity Only Donates A Fraction Of Its Earnings: A Significant Amount Of Our Philanthropic Impact Is Not Reflected On Our 990 Form

Russell Wilson
Russell Wilson’s Foundation Director Speaks Out Against ‘Disheartening’ Report Claiming His Charity Only Donates A Fraction Of Its Earnings: A Significant Amount Of Our Philanthropic Impact Is Not Reflected On Our 990 Form
Russell Wilson’s foundation director is speaking out against questionable claims surrounding the athlete’s organization.
A report was recently published claiming that Russell Wilson’s “Why Not You” Foundation spent $600,000 on charitable activities in 2020 and 2021 but spent nearly twice as much, $1.1 million, on salaries and non-charity related benefits. Breaking the numbers down, this means the organization only donated roughly 21.3 cents of every dollar to charitable activities in 2020 and 27.2 cents of every dollar to charitable activities in 2021. In addition, the investigation notes that over the past eight years, only 39.6 cents of every dollar was spent on charity.
The report states,
“Form 990 federal tax returns from the nonprofit’s inception through 2021 show it reported $7.5 million in revenue and $7 million in expenses during its first eight years of existence. Less than half of the money — $2.8 million, or 39.6 cents of every dollar spent — has gone to charitable activities, all as grants to other nonprofits.”
Shayla Tait — the executive director of the “Why Not You” Foundation — recently released a statement regarding the “disheartening” report. She said
“It is disheartening that a narrow account of our work has attempted to diminish the important impact the WNYF has made in the lives of so many youth and families.’’

Russell Wilson
Tait described the report to be misleading due to some of the organization’s scheduled charity events being canceled because of the pandemic. She also noted the majority of the funds raised by the football star and his wife Ciara for partners like Safeway Albertson were accounted for. Reportedly, Safeway sent the money Russell Wilson’s group raised to Seattle’s Children’s Hospital while “Why Not You” was not credited on its 990 form. Shayla Tait said:
“Like many charitable organizations, a significant amount of our philanthropic impact is not reflected on our 990 form, including more than $10 million raised in collaboration with our partners, who granted these funds directly to nonprofit organizations serving immediate needs.”

Russell & Ciara Wilson Family
She added:
“Russell, Ciara and the WNYF have always cared more about impact than credit. Our teamwork approach has proven successful, especially in critical times. Thank you to our partners—most notably Seattle Children’s Hospital and Safeway Albertsons—along with so many others who work to make a positive and measurable difference. Over the last eight years, the Why Not You Foundation has helped raised more than $13 million to fight pediatric cancer, eliminate food insecurity and provide education for children in underserved communities.’’
Wilson has yet to address the allegations made against his foundation.
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