Amber Rose Responds After Being Slammed By Joy-Ann Reid For Trying To ‘Recruit Young People Of Color’ To Vote For Trump: ‘Never Said I Wasn’t Black’

Joy-Ann Reid, Amber Rose, Donald Trump

Amber Rose Responds After Being Slammed By Joy-Ann Reid For Trying To ‘Recruit Young People Of Color’ To Vote For Trump: ‘Never Said I Wasn’t Black’

Amber Rose probably should have cleared her digital footprint before coming out as an avid Donald Trump supporter.

As reported, last night (July 15) the socialite spoke at the Republican National Convention, bragging about her newfound love of all things Trump. In May Amber Rose revealed her wishes for Donald Trump to come out on top in the presidential race. The endorsement shocked many as she has publically criticized Donald Trump before over his political stances and controversial statements. She’s also the founder of the Los Angeles chapter of the SlutWalk, a protest march that several believe centers around ideals that are drastically different than legislation Donald Trump has advocated for.

Donald Trump, Amber Rose

Following her speech, Amber Rose was called out by well-known journalist Joy-Ann Reid for seemingly using her racial ambiguity to benefit from Black culture and serve as a ploy for the Republican party.  In part, she said,

“It’s ironic that they were able to recruit this young woman — she’s of racially ambiguous, I don’t want to say she’s Black because she has said she’s not. So, I don’t want to say ‘This Black woman.’ This woman who is of whatever race she has claimed…they brought someone whose whole career is based in Black culture. …She dated one of the most prominent African American rappers in the business, in the history of hip hop.”

Joy-Ann Reid continued, urging people to do their own research as Rose appears to be trying to “recruit young people of color” to vote for Trump.

In a post shared on X, Rose denied ever saying she wasn’t Black and also took a jab at Joy-Ann Reid.

“Hi @JoyAnnReid I’ve never said I wasn’t black I said I identify as biracial. I’m not going to invalid my white father to make you feel more comfortable. Stop being a race baiter ur president does enough race baiting for all of us”

Unfortunately for Rose, the internet is forever, and just like her resurfaced posts blasting Trump, an old interview of her saying she’s not Black quickly circulated. During the discussion that took place with media personality Peter Rosenberg, she shared,

“I do not consider myself a Black woman.”

Reid isn’t the only one who blasted Rose, the mother of two was criticized by countless others as well. See some of their reactions below:


What are your thoughts on this entire situation? Tell us in the comments below!

Authored by: Twila-Amoure McDaniel