T.I. & Tiny Accuse Sabrina Peterson Of Evading $96K Restitution She Owes After Unsuccessfully Suing Them

T.I. & Tiny Harris, Sabrina Peterson

T.I. & Tiny Accuse Sabrina Peterson Of Evading $96K Restitution She Owes After Unsuccessfully Suing Them

Musical couple T.I. and Tiny haven’t forgotten about the settlement their former friend owes them.

The pair recently filed a court motion against Sabrina Peterson, alleging that she’s been intentionally refusing to pay her nearly $100,000 debt.

According to documents obtained by In Touch, lawyers filed the motion on behalf of Clifford ‘T.I.’ Harris, 43, and Tameka ‘Tiny’ Harris, 49, informing the court that Sabrina Peterson has failed to pay the court-ordered sum which they said was due by January 15th. Their attorney wrote in the document:

“For nearly a year, [Sabrina] has evaded statutory sanctions with consequence. She has willfully violated a court order. And, while wasting judicial resources, she forced [T.I. and Tiny] to incur significant legal fees defending a litany of claims, most have which have already been thrown out.”

Sabrina Peterson

They continued:

“In the three-and-a-half years since filing her frivolous lawsuit, [Sabrina] and her counsel have failed to do anything in the case.”

As we covered back in October, a judge ruled that Sabrina Peterson had to pay T.I. and Tiny’s $96,702 in legal fees after she unsuccessfully sued the couple for defamation. If you call, the entrepreneur made a number of sexual abuse and intimidation claims against them at the time, accusing the “Live Your Life” rapper specifically of physical abuse.

A judge ultimately tossed out the majority of Peterson’s complaint and furthered that she’d need to cough up the hefty legal fee sum. T.I. and Tiny’s attorney went on in the document to seek the court’s assistance, suggesting that Peterson doesn’t intend to pay because she never intended for the suit to go this far in the first place. They wrote:

“In response to the order, [Sabrina] took to Instagram to publicly refute her obligation to pay…[Sabrina] and her attorneys took advantage of the legal system by filing a ‘kitchen sink’ complaint, hoping that the nature of their allegations would attract enough media attention, which would then, in turn, put pressure on [T.I. and Tiny] to settle. [Sabrina] and her lawyers never had any intention of diligently prosecuting this case.”

T.I. & Tiny

They added:

“To add insult to injury, [Sabrina] publicly flouts this Court’s rulings on social media. Peterson should not be permitted to pursue her remaining claims without facing accountability for her violations of California law.”

It does not appear Peterson has responded to the recent motion, and it has not been reported that a judge has ruled on the matter.

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Authored by: Kay Johnson