Faking Orgasms. Sexting. Peeping Porn. Check the Results of Playboy’s Extensive Sex Survey

Playboy has just released results of their 2011 Playboy Sex Survey. The survey is based on 10,003 adults who took the survey on line. While the sample is not random, figures for age, sex, race/ethnicity, education, region and household income were weighted. The survey compared some of the results from 1983 to 2011 and at first glance, it appears that folks are watching more porn, waxing “down there”, faking orgasms and “sexting.” Both men and women masturbate more while having less intercourse. The survey noted an increase “in the incidence of reverse cowgirlwoman on top, facing awaya position popularized by porn.”

The survey also reports on Liberals vs. Conservatives and compares the two groups on if they’ve: had anal sex, been photographed in the nude, had sex within the first 6 hours of meeting someone, blah, blah, blah. The list goes on and on and on and on. If you have nothing better to do, have it and check the results here. Might as well get turned on before the world ends.