Wendy Williams On Living In A Sober House: Cocaine has been off my map for years & I don’t take pills. I needed someplace quiet.

Wendy Williams Reveals ‘Kevin Has A Daughter’, Talks Plastic Surgery And Going To Sober House During Marital Woes

Wendy Williams is normally the one dishing on other celebrities. But it’s no secret her own personal life has become a topic of conversation. She filed for divorce from her now estranged husband, Kevin Hunter, Sr. back in April. Since then, she’s confirmed the split and hinted at their issues. But now, she has confirmed that he had a baby girl. Rumors swirled that Hunter welcomed a child earlier this year with a woman, Sharina Hudson, who had been allegedly having an affair with for more than 15 years.  Williams and Hunter were married for 21 years.

She said Monday,

Kevin Hunter, Wendy Williams (circa 2010)

Still, she added that she won’t be publicly trashing her soon-to-be ex-husband, who is the father of her 19-year-old son, Kevin Hunter, Jr.

Wendy Williams, Kevin Hunter, Jr.

“Kevin had a major indiscretion that he will have to deal with for the rest of his life. An indiscretion that I will not deal with. He will always be my family, because we have a 19-year-old son, and we were together for 25 years and married for 21. But there was no vacillating. I’m out. That’s all I can say. People want me to hate and scream and talk. I won’t. It bothers me that people say [Williams begins to cry] — it bothers me that people say, “Keep it as clean as you can, because you have a child together.” That’s not the main reason to keep it clean. The main reason I won’t talk badly about Kevin is that he was my first true love. I will not have people talk badly. I talk filthy about him, but that is when I get in my apartment and the door is closed and I am talking to myself in the mirror. I never thought that I would be in this position. I’m a very forgiving person, but there’s one thing that I could never be a part of, and that one thing happened.”

Wendy Williams

She also opened up about living in a sober house while her marriage was on the rocks.

I was concerned based on what was going on around me. I’d done my detective work. I knew what was about to happen, and I was like, Let me go someplace where you’re not allowed to have the whole bottle of wine. Cocaine has been off my map for years. I don’t take pills. I wasn’t doing anything off the wagon. When you see your husband’s mistress with a burgeoning belly and you’re a blabbermouth on TV with a successful show, you know what’s about to happen. I needed to go someplace quiet. When you go to a sober house, it’s like being in jail. I needed to not be interrupted by anyone. There was not one friend that I could call, because everyone would have dumbbell answers to a very serious situation. My husband was about to have a baby, and I knew that I was about to divorce. I knew that there would be headlines. I had to process it so that once I came out, I came out on top. I didn’t work for three decades to land at the bottom over some [expletive] like this.”

She continued and spoke on how people want to see her fall after she gossiped about other celebrities on her show.

“It’s fascinating to people that I was this woman who ferociously talked about celebrities. I just went for it. There was something about the rise of Wendy that people now delight in seeing the demise of my marriage. But I won’t let them win. You know why? Because I’m fearless. I’m fearless, and I learned something from my mother. There are three people that I admire the most.”

Wendy Williams

She even dished on feeling her best at all times and speaking on previously getting plastic surgery.

“Yeah, I got all this plastic surgery. My mother’s lesson to me regarding womanhood was about being as beautiful as you can at all times. It doesn’t mean that you put on a full face of makeup to watch the Lifetime movie on Sunday when you’re at home by yourself. It means that when you pass the mirror you still want to see something nice. I don’t care if I’m only by myself, I don’t walk around my house in sweatpants.”

And now that she’s back on the market, she also has a rule that she swears by.

 “Now that I’m single, I will not fart in front of a man that I am dating. Those days are over. For instance, I had somebody over the other day, but I felt, you know, the air. I’m like, “Oh, God.” I went up to my bathroom. I turned on the fan so it was nice and loud and I just let it rip.”

What do you think about what Wendy had to say? Tell us in the comments. 



Authored by: C.J.