Oprah Had A Serious Case Of Pneumonia: I Ended Up In The ER, It Actually Got Worse & I Had To See A Specialist 

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Oprah Winfrey

Oprah Had A Serious Case Of Pneumonia: I Ended Up In The ER, It Actually Got Worse & I Had To See A Specialist

Oprah Winfrey has revealed a pretty serious health scare. She explained that she had “very serious” pneumonia.

“I just got cleared yesterday. So, here it is. I came back from overseas and I thought I had a cold — but it wasn’t a cold. I ended up in the emergency room and they said, ‘You have pneumonia.’ And I go home, and pneumonia is nothing to play with, y’all. It is very serious. And I was on antibiotics for a week and the antibiotics weren’t working. And then I go back for another CT scan and they go, ‘It’s actually worse. You should see a lung specialist.'”

She explained that she had “a little rattling” in her chest.

“So I go into the lung specialist…. He puts his stethoscope here and I see the ‘Oh, s***’ face. It is like, ‘Oh my God, something’s wrong with you.’ And I can see it. He didn’t hide it.”

Her physician instructed her to “cancel everything” and stop flying for a month. She said she got an update shortly after,

“And I went back in a week and I was better. He called me every day to make sure I was using the inhaler and taking the right antibiotics. And when I walked in and I was better, he thanked me three times for getting better and said, ‘Can I have a hug?’ And I could tell he was like, ‘Not on my watch is this going to happen.'”

She also warned the audience to not “play with” the idea of pneumonia.

“Don’t play with it. Get your flu shots and get your pneumonia shots. It’s nothing to play with. It takes people out. But I’m telling you, it changed the way I look at wellness.”

Let’s pray Oprah continues to have a speedy recovery!

Authored by: C.J.