Tupac’s Mama Preventing Sex Tape

Tupac Shakur’s legal team and his mother, Afini Shakur, are none too pleased that a sex tape, featuring Tupac, may be released. Tupac’s mother, family and legal team have threatened to sue anyone that attempts to distribute any of the footage. Early this week, news broke that a VH1 tape exists that shows Pac being serviced, at a house party, while smoking a blunt and having a cocktail. Yesterday, images were released, showing that Tupac was indeed in the tape. Two porn companies were said to be battling over the tape. A spokesperson for Pac’s estate told TMZ,

“We will sue anyone who tries to sell a Tupac tape.”

Afeni Shakur has told her spokesperson,

“Get the legal team ready because [we] will not allow someone to put it out.”

No word on who is trying to distribute the tape at this point.