Richard Sherman’s Wife Called Police Ahead Of His Arrest, Told Dispatcher He Threatened To Take His Life

Richard Sherman’s Wife Called Police Ahead Of His Arrest, Told Dispatcher He Threatened To Take His Life

More details are coming out about Richard Sherman’s arrest as his wife’s 911 call was released.

As previously reported, the NFL star was arrested for burglary domestic assault in Seattle yesterday morning (July 14th). Few details were made public about the incident, but it was first noted that someone called the police after a man attempted to enter a home where he didn’t live. He then allegedly got physical with police when they arrived and was ultimately arrested.

Now, new reports reveal that it was Richard Sherman’s wife Ashley Moss who called authorities. She reportedly told them that the former Seattle Seahawks player drank two bottles of alcohol and was threatening to take his life. He also allegedly tried to break into a family member’s home after a hit-and-run collision.

She’s heard saying on the call,

“I need officers to my house now. My husband is drunk and belligerent and threatened to kill himself.”

The dispatcher asks for the address. Ashley Moss answers and the dispatcher instructs her to stop talking before asking,

“Are there any weapons? Stop!”

While Ashley Moss says, “No there’s no guns,” the dispatcher tells her,

“Listen to me!”

Moss responds,

“‘I am saying there are no weapons, ma’am. There are no weapons.”

The dispatcher tells her,

“You didn’t let me finish. You need to stop interrupting me so I can [get] the information I need to get officers expedited.”

Moss says frantically,

“I need officers here now!”

The dispatcher asks her what Richard Sherman was doing that made her think he would harm himself. Ashley Moss says,

“He’s being aggressive. He has sent text messages.”

She then seemingly confronts Sherman and tells him she removed the keys from his car before letting the dispatcher know,

“He’s trying to leave now. He’s being aggressive. He’s wrestling with my uncle. He’s threatening to kill himself. He has sent text messages to people saying that he’s going to hang himself. And he’s saying that if police show up that – so please don’t shoot is what I’m asking.”

The dispatcher asks for clarification on what Sherman said he would do if the police arrived. Moss says,

“He said that if police show up that he will try to fight the – so you need to understand that he is -“

The dispatcher asks Moss if he’s been physical, and Moss says yes, telling the dispatcher Sherman tried to fight her uncle. The dispatcher responds,

“Okay, trying to fight somebody and actually being physical is two different things.”

The dispatcher asks again how he has been physical and Moss is heard saying, “Richard, please stop!”

The dispatcher asks for the make and model of the car and Moss described it as a “black sedan, Mercedes SUV.” She adds that he won’t be able to get the car out of the gate because “I cut it off.” The dispatcher asks for clarification and Moss explains,

“I cut the gate – we live behind – it’s Richard Sherman. Like ma’am this is a [expletive] emergency and I need officers here now.”

The dispatcher responds,

“Listen to me! I am handling this! You need to stop telling me that.”

Moss then informs the dispatcher that Sherman got out of the gate.

Later on the call, the dispatcher asks if an ambulance was needed, to which Moss said no. They ask for more details of what Sherman drank before a man gets on the phone and says it was “hard alcohol,” and adds, “He’s intoxicated.”

The dispatcher instructed the man to return the phone to Moss so they would only speak to one person during the call.

The charge Sherman is facing is a felony. It’s still unclear whose house he was allegedly trying to break into, but his car was found roughly three miles from a home that belongs to Moss’s parents.

While he hasn’t been charged in relation to the hit-and-run, police are investigating and have acquired a blood search warrant and are waiting for results on his blood-alcohol test.

Moss told the Seattle Times, 

“At this time we’re going to make no statements, except he didn’t harm anybody. My kids were not harmed in the incident. He’s a good person and this is not his character. We’re doing all right, just trying to get him out. I want people to know no one was injured.”

What are your thoughts on the latest developments? Comment and let us know.
Authored by: C.J.