Scientists Unsure How The Average Erect Penis Length Has Reportedly Increased By 24%
Scientists Unsure How The Average Erect Penis Length Has Reportedly Increased By 24%
Scientists are trying to discover how the average length of an erect penis has increased over time.
According to reports, the average erect penis length increased globally by 24 percent, from 4.8 inches to 6 inches. Scientists studied 75 research papers that debuted between 1942 and 2021, which displayed erect penis measurements from a total of 55,761 men. The measurements were taken by scientists for accuracy instead of the patients being able to self-report. They also axed studies where the measurements were conducted after a patient’s pelvic surgery.
The reports left scientists perplexed as they tried to determine why erect penis sizes are getting longer. They theorize that there are global environmental causes, which may also be related to boys going through puberty earlier than the boys in previous generations. They also noted that a “sedentary lifestyle” could lead to hormonal changes that make one’s penis length longer. The report read:
“It can be speculated that these changes may be linked with observations that pubertal milestones are occurring in younger boys than in the past,” they write. “Investigators have hypothesized sedentary lifestyle/obesity or increasing exposure to hormone-disrupting substances may play a role.”
Researchers also detailed the confusion of the decline in sperm counts, testosterone levels, and an increase in testicular tumors that could be caused by global environmental changes.
Michael Eisenberg, one of the authors of the study, said the penis length erection discovery was shocking. He said:
“Given the trends we’d seen in other measures of men’s reproductive health, we thought there could be a decline in penile length due to the same environmental exposures. The increase happened over a relatively short period of time. Any overall change in development is concerning, because our reproductive system is one of the most important pieces of human biology. If we’re seeing this fast of a change, it means that something powerful is happening to our bodies. We should try to confirm these findings and if confirmed, we must determine the cause of these changes.”
Based on the study, it’s important to note that only 55,000 men were examined out of the billions of men in the world. Researchers revealed that penis measurements can be affected by temperature and body size, as well as other factors. Researchers wrote:
“Given the important implications of genital development for urinary and reproductive function, future studies should attempt to confirm the trend and identify the etiology.”
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