Rick Romance Says “Sorry & F*ck You” @ the Same Time to Chris Brown

Have you ever have someone apologize to you and offend you at the same time? That’s sorta how I felt when reading Ricky Romance’s recent apology to Chris Brown. We’re not going to even touch upon his use of words here, folks.

He was quoted as saying: “I would like to extend my most sincere apologies to the elderly and youth of our nation for my sudden acrasial message of violence towards other individuals of unimportance. I must eclaircise any misunderstandings that I am a Man of irrational aggression and behavior. In no way am I attempting to justify my actions towards persons of high immaturity levels and hypocritical methods of becoming a better person  I was wrong. My unexpected reaction to fallaciloquences embellished with deceitful humgruffin cover-ups and unnecessary remarks towards my younger brother enraged me.” (Words in bold are words that he’s never used in his entire life before releasing this statement)

Chris Brown’s video response was way more entertaining, with less words.