Satanist (Tyler) vs Temper Tantrum Maniac (Chris Brown)…Which side are you on?

In general, folks seem to feel extra froggy on Fridays…especially on Twitter. And earlier today, two well-known celebs got their Twitter Beef on…. Yes, the Chris Brown twitter beef with Tyler the Creator and his crew, Odd Future, took a new turn today. There must have been some sort of face-to-face meeting between the two parties because around 2:00 Breezy tweeted “I fuck wit Frank Ocean! Reminds me of a young James Fauntleroy or Kevin Cossum” and from then on, things just escalated. C/O of Rap-Up, below are the screen grabs from their heated exchange. For those who don’t do Twitter, read tweets from the bottom up. Also, pls catch-up with the rest of the world and learn about Twitter :)
