Mean Monsters :: Lady Gaga’s Fans Joke About Adele’s Weight

Lady Gaga’s fans took to twitter recently after both Adele and Lady Gaga were up for “Bestselling Artist in the World.” Adele ended up in the top spot and unfortunately, Lady Gaga’s little monsters, are a little pissed behind it. Gaga’s fans took petty jibes at Adele’s weight, and tweeted things like:

“Confirmed: Gaga will not be wearing her meat dress because she is afraid Adele will eat it.”

Some fans also made Adele spoof videos of Adele singing,

“’I’m bootyful in my own way because Arby’s makes no mistakes, I’ve got the right order, baby, I was born this weight.”

After Adele cancelled her tour due to throat issues, Gaga’s fans used that opportunity to bash Adele even more. Her fans said that Adele could not sell enough tickets so she had to cancel her tour instead, even though both Gaga and Adele usually perform to sold out audiences. But on a more positive note, Adele’s 21 album is still in America’s top five after 37 weeks on the billboard charts. Gaga on the other hand has slipped out of the top 40 after 24 weeks. P.S. If Gaga has not already done so, is it appropriate for her to intervene? [Source]
